
Change the world
one byte at a time

Framasoft is a non-profit popular educational organization, a group of friends convinced that an emancipatory digital world is possible, convinced that it will arise through actual actions on real world and online with and for you!

Support our actions

Framasoft is…

Framalibre, the free culture directory

Framasoft historical project: hundreds of free softwares and cultural contents organized and tested, displayed with short notices

Framabook, the publishing house

Free books share the same freedom as free software. We publish manuals, technical books, but also novels and even comics

Framablog, the news about free culture

News about Framasoft, free culture and commons : chronicles, press reviews, translations, interviews

Conferences, workshops

More than one hundred conferences, workshops and interventions per year

Framasoft has more than 50 projects. Check all of them. See the full presentation.

Degooglize your Internet
find user-friendly tools

Ethical alternatives are possible.
Demonstration with 5 examples.


With Framagenda you can create personal or professional calendas, the agenda for a hall or the activities of your organization, and share them freely. You remain master of your data, and you choose with whom, where and when they are shown.

Help us maintain these services and help us to develop new ones

The complete list of our services, with the whole documentation to master them, can be found on the De-google-ify Internet website

Mobilizon: A free and federated tool to get our events off Facebook!

Preview the beta version of Mobilizon, which will allow you to create your alternative to MeetUp and Facebook events. This software is under development, thanks to your contributions, and will be constantly improved until the release of its V1 in the first half of 2020. Together, let’s invent the video platform that suits us. Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize… in complete freedom!

Browse the main features

To discover the development plan for Mobilizon software by 2020: JoinMobilizon. To test the features under development


the Framasoft roadmap,
let’s go for year 2




Contribute to another year of Contributopia

All this is just a sample of all the actions we are currently working on… Discover the whole roadmap: Contributopia!

Support Framasoft

Framasoft is a non-profit which can only keep running thanks to your donations. Do you like what we do? Do you think we’re going in the right direction? If so, and you’re able to make a donation, we’d very much appreciate it!

Why support Framasoft?
Where is your money going to?
Framasoft in a few numbers
Actions timeline

6 good reasons to support us

1. Because enclosure is now

NSA, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Apple… E. Snowden revelations have shown that the worst nightmares of computer scientists are alive. We are confined into services, tools and a culture centralising our data and using them with no limits. The only way out goes through using and educating to free softwares and services, respectful of OUR fundamental rights.

2. For more free alternatives

For 16 years, Framasoft has been a french-speaking doorway to free software and culture. A link between developers of open solutions and the general public. The success of alternative services from "De-google-ify Internet" shows that it’s possible to respect people and their data. We want to go further and only your support will will allow us to propose or refine more services.

3. Because we are the good guys!

Framasoft is a group of retired people, employees, unemployed, artists, teachers and students… Not really spealized in computer science, but well enough informed to know that Free software is a part of the solution. So we commit ourselves to some ethics through a charter and we spent our time highlighting or introducing more and more free solutions to a wider audience.

5. Because the gift economy make us independent

As soon as you click, share, use a software or a website/service, you give it some value. This is attention economy. This attention is then financiarized with advertising and the sale of data (Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, etc.) or with enclosing type of sales (Apple, Amazon). This attention can also create some value absed upon donation, sharing and participation (Wikipedia). We have chosen this last model for us. This gives us independency from the market laws and total freedom to our donators.

6. To change the world altogether

Yes, no less. One project after another, we demonstrate that free, simple, respectful and community-driven alternatives are possible. In our collaborative publishing house, our writers let you get freely their digital ebooks and get paid through paper sales or your direct donations. Our De-google-ify services are more and more used… There is still a long road to do and we can go on thanks to your support: "There is a long way to go, but the road is Free".

Discover where your money goes

  • Employees: 70%
  • Servers and domains: 6%
  • Operating expanses: 6%
  • Events and meetings: 10%
  • Communication: 2%
  • Goods: 3%
  • Banking fees: 3%

1. I give for the freedom

2. I complete my information Confidentiality

I represent

In France, thanks to the tax deduction of 66 % , your donation of €10 will cost you only €3 monthly. Information on tax exemption

3. I access the payment


  • Recurring donations can be stopped anytime, just ask us.
  • If you want to modify your recurring donation, please contact us, we will stop the current one and you will be able to make a new one.
  • Tax receipts (in France only) are sent by postal mail in March/April 2021 (before tax declaration) for 2020 donations
  • Financial and activity reports can be found on the non-profit page
  • If you have more questions, you may find answers there…